domingo, 27 de junio de 2021

Your shadow

Your shadow remains in my desert,

On its dunes' surface at midday

And in the flames of the fire

That burns over tea and biscuits

Under a starry sky at night. 

Your shadow  remains in my desert,

Among valleys and mountains,

Wrapped by tamarisks and palm trees, 

Hidden in the Rose of Jericho, 

In the nomad's hands and profile. 

Your shadow remains in my desert, 

Running through gorges and canyons, 

Fixed in sun-dried bricks, 

Emerging from a tent at dawn

And resting in a kasbah in the evening. 

Your shadow remains in my desert, 

In its changeable sand lines, 

Tracks and footprints. 

It prevails as an everlasting memory,

Regardless of time. 

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