It’s almost dawn.
I can feel it in my back,
It goes through my breast,
Down to my womb.
And there it stays,
Dreaming of the sea
And its lightness.
I can hear the silent scream
Of a weary soul.
Casi todos nuestros temores, deseos y sueños habitan un lugar solitario que está dentro de nosotros y en el que, paradójicamente, muchos confluimos, a veces a destiempo, otras compartiendo espacios paralelos. A este lugar solitario en el que buscamos refugio y respuestas a través de la música, la literatura, el cine, la pintura, el ARTE, sois todos bienvenidos.
It’s almost dawn.
I can feel it in my back,
It goes through my breast,
Down to my womb.
And there it stays,
Dreaming of the sea
And its lightness.
I can hear the silent scream
Of a weary soul.
She’s so tired
Of being
Under the same
All the time.
Let her sleep
And be herself
In her dream.
Let her scream
And whisper
She wouldn’t say
When she’s awake.
Let her rest
Once in a while.
Let her open
Like a flower
And be gentle
To herself.
Let her rest
From time to time.
Get rid of blame and shame.
Let her feel beautiful.
Let her shine.
Let her give some love,
And be devoid of judgment
To herself.
Retener la estela de tu sombra
Cuando te alejabas
Con ese gesto en susurro
De un incierto reencuentro.
Llenar el hueco de mi mano
Con el soplo de aire
Que exhalabas tras el beso
Y el halo de tu risa.
Capturar en modo polaroid
El ángulo mínimo
De tu mirada furtiva.
Salvar del naufragio
Algo inefable e insoluble
Que desafiara al tiempo.